What is Aromatherapy?
Aroma therapy is a natural technique based on the use of essential oils extracted from fresh plants for a therapeutic purpose.The substances used in aroma therapy are not fragrances or aromatic mixtures used in the perfume industry but pure essential oils, volatile substances extracted from diverse parts of plants which have curative property.
Therefore, not everything which emits a pleasant smell is necessary an essential oil.Frequently used as a synonym for essential oil is the term essence which means a natural aromatic substance which a plant secretes from its reproductive organs; on the other hand, an essential oil is an extract obtained by distilling an essence.
Delgado Ayza C. 2005
芳香療法是使用從新鮮植物中提取的精油用於治療目的為基礎的自然技術。 芳香療法中使用的物質不是香水工業中使用的香料或芳香混合物,而是純精油,從植物不同部位提取的具有治療作用的揮發性物質。
因此,並非所有散發出令人愉悅氣味的東西都必須是精油。 經常用作精油的同義詞是精華一詞,它是指植物從其生殖器官分泌的天然芳香物質; 另一方面,精油是通過蒸餾精華獲得的提取物。